Kevin Johansen


Arte y humor se unen en el escenario con la promesa de una velada inolvidable.

Kevin ofrece un recorrido por las canciones más reconocidas de su discografía, mientras Liniers las improvisa y recrea en dibujos en tiempo real sobre una pantalla colocada como fondo del escenario. Un pequeño mundo de música e ilustraciones envolverá al espectador en la aventura que proponen los dos grandes artistas y amigos.

Art and humor come together on stage with the promise of an unforgettable evening.

Kevin offers a tour of the most recognized songs from his discography, while Liniers improvises and recreates them in drawings in real time on a screen placed as the background of the stage. A small world of music and illustrations will envelop the viewer in the adventure proposed by the two great artists and friends.

Per New York City’s guidance, Sony Hall is requiring all guests, staff & musicians ages 12+ to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 to enter. Children ages 5 to 11 must have received at least one dose.

Proof of vaccination may include your physical CDC card, photo of your CDC card, NYC Covid Safe App, or the NYS Excelsior Pass.

In addition to the vaccination policy, New York City continues to encourage masks for all indoor gatherings, except while you are actively eating and drinking.